Lesson 12

Hereafter, each lesson should begin with practice of the two-space compact oval (drill 3), drill 6, and drill 11, and there should be frequent reviews of the other drills so far practiced.

Drill 11

Palmer Method of Business Writing: Drill 11

In the large oval drill and its modifications in capitals A, O, and C, the motion has been mainly forward and backward, while that used in the connected small o drill is mainly toward the right, developing the lateral movement. If too much driving force from above the elbow is used, the letter will be too large. If the position is just right, the least possible force will drive the hand far enough to form the o. The line connecting the letters should be as nearly straight as is possible to make it at the required speed. If too pronounced an under-curve is used in the connective lines the result will be a form more nearly resembling small a than o.

In this style of writing, small o and letters in its class should be one-sixteenth of an inch high. The letter in this drill is of that height, and it should be used as a basis of comparison in determining the height of the other minimum letters a, c, e, i, m, n, r, s, u, v, w, and x. Small r and s may be made one-fourth higher than the other letters in the minimum class.

Wherever there is an angular connection as in closing small o at the top, there must be a checking of the motion at that point; in fact, a stop. The closing of o is so quickly done that the stop can hardly be seen even by the closest observer.

A speed of ninety or more to a minute should be developed and maintained. Ninety in a minute is by no means fast, but, while permitting good form, it is fast enough to force light motion.

In drill 11, there are three groups of five letters in a line, and there are six lines in the drill, making ninety letters. These should be made in a minute, and that should be the practice speed. As in capital A, the plan is to make each group to a count of ten, and then move the paper. For an entire line the count would be 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, move the paper, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, move the paper, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, move the paper. The conversational count may be fitted nicely to the rhythm of the count of ten. Hereafter, drill 11 should be practiced with the two-space compact oval, and drill 6 at the beginning of each practice period.

NEXT: Lesson 13

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